We Live on One Planet

If you are old enough to remember the Moon landing and the “One small step for man… one large step for mankind,” you may also remember that looking back at planet Earth was one planet, not two planets. The reason I bring this up is that I travel the world as a part-time Christian missionary…

The REVENGE of Dry Units

Now that almost one-third of all equipment sold is in the form of DRY units, and that percentage is growing every month due to unprecedented consumer demand. What could possibly happen to alter the course to where R-22 is again the dominant refrigerant in the marketplace?  Here enters the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)… In early…


Miscreant Air Conditioning Contractors and the DOE

Air Conditioning Contractors and the Department of Energy Are miscreant air conditioning contractors the weak link in energy efficiency? I was informed of a Department of Energy (DOE) webinar in December that was most informative. If nothing changes (there is scheduled to be a national election in November), then the DOE will expand its control…