
Why Ceiling Fans Make a Big Difference in Your Energy Bills

The wind-chill effect isn’t limited to the winter winds that make you feel cooler than the actual temperature outside. Ceiling fans in the home create a wind-chill environment inside your Florida home during hot weather to make you feel cooler there, too. By circulating the air inside a room, ceiling fans create drafts that increase your comfort and…


Benefits of Better Attic Insulation, Ventilation

Maximize Comfort and Savings With Better Attic Ventilation, Insulation You may improve the energy efficiency of your Brandon area home by taking steps to increase attic ventilation and improve attic insulation, especially if it’s an older home that was built without energy conservation in mind. A well-ventilated and well-insulated attic will save you money and make…


Miscreant Air Conditioning Contractors and the DOE

Air Conditioning Contractors and the Department of Energy Are miscreant air conditioning contractors the weak link in energy efficiency? I was informed of a Department of Energy (DOE) webinar in December that was most informative. If nothing changes (there is scheduled to be a national election in November), then the DOE will expand its control…