New Air Conditioning Installation Issues that can Affect Seer Rating

Your New Air Conditioning System: Four Installation Issues That Can Make or Break A SEER Rating If you’ve just gotten a new high-efficiency air conditioner, you’re probably looking forward to equally high savings this summer. An air conditioner with a seasonal energy efficiency ratio (SEER) in the high teens or low 20s can cost considerably…

Training Wheels… Again?

Virtually 100% of the people reading drive motorized vehicles. Most of us first encountered “wheels” with a baby stroller, but hopefully that was short lived. Our first personal encounter was probably with bicycle equipped with… training wheels. These were an extra set wheels that allowed us to develop our balancing skills so that we could…


Miscreant Air Conditioning Contractors and the DOE

Air Conditioning Contractors and the Department of Energy Are miscreant air conditioning contractors the weak link in energy efficiency? I was informed of a Department of Energy (DOE) webinar in December that was most informative. If nothing changes (there is scheduled to be a national election in November), then the DOE will expand its control…